Command Success To Desire, with passion; is to be filled with elastic! To Make something beautiful and fantastic. To obtain, there must be a threefold cord. A character that wants be faded or folded. And consistency until you achieve that goal. Just being relentless a hundredfold; Sacrifice and take the gold. To aspire is easier said than done. Let’s make the dream a reality of fun. Dreams are seeds' source of new beginnings. Though the process may be arduous and painstaking, no doubt; it must be handled with much patience. Like the seed in the acorn, an oak tree. In the seed of a moth, a butterfly you see; Beautiful and free: In the seed both you and me, is the seed of great impossibility. to achieve is a different level altogether, with practice, focus and a calm resolve, that penetrates and diffuse all obstacles involved. Weather the storm; and command success.


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